The Reign of Terroir

The Reign of Terroir

The Reign of Terroir

The Wine  Education Council will host a series of seminars with distinguished Professor Alex Maltman, author of Vineyards, Rocks, & Soils: The Wine Lover’s Guide to GeologyProfessor Maltman will provide an introduction to the basic principles of geology in the context of wine, and examine the connection between wine and geology.  He will generally explain the geological processes that shape vineyards, and on the minerals, rocks, and soils that host the vines. More specifically, the seminars will focus on the role of geology in wine production, and evaluate the idea that flavors of the soil can be transmitted by vine roots to the grapes, particularly in the context of minerality, terroir, and wine taste.

The seminar will take place in Los Angeles & San Francisco.  The schedule will be released as soon as locations and dates are finalized.

Please reach out to if you are interested in attending.
She will contact you directly with details and reserve a seat.

Trade Only.

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